Accessories | Bihl+Wiedemann Vietnam


In addition to AS-i Masters and slaves, Bihl+Wiedemann also offers all the necessary accessories for your AS-i network. Particular expertise is the basis for our network extension tools, allowing the extension of an AS-i network beyond the usual 100m. In certain cases the network can be extended up to 1,000m.

Circuit Extension

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AS-i Passive Distributors

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Cabling/Chip Cards

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Substructure Modules

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Power Supplies

Power Supplies

  • AS-i Power Supply
  • 30 V Power Supply
  • AS-i Power Supply Decoupling Unit
  • Power Decoupling Unit
Fig­urePower sup­ply 1Op­er­at­ing volt­ageOut­put cur­rentPro­tec­tion rat­ing 2Ar­ti­cle No.
BW1649AS-i power supply90 V AC ... 265 V AC, wide range supply4 AIP20BW1649
AS-i power supply115 V AC ... 250 V AC1,8 AIP20BW2255
AS-i power supply115 V AC / 230 V AC, power supply with range switch8 AIP20BW1997
AS-i power supply195 V AC ... 500 V AC, wide range supply8 AIP20BW2276
AS-i power supply24 V DC to 30 V DC AS-i output voltage2 AIP20BW1760
BW159330 V power supply115 V AC / 230 V AC, power supply with range switch8 AIP20BW1593
30 V power supply3 phases power supply4 AIP20BW1927
30 V power supply3 phases power supply8 AIP20BW1676
BWU1943AS-i power supply decoupling unit-4 AIP20BWU1943
AS-i power supply decoupling unit-4 AIP65BWU1477
Power decoupling unit-1,2 AIP20BWU2387

Circuit Extension

AS-i Bus Termination

AS-i Tuner

AS-i Repeater


  • BW2902
    BW2902 | Software for diagnostics, service and approval measurements
    Computer-assisted measurement using existing hardware.
    For helping machine and systems builders and end users with their diagnostics and fault correction.
    Single User License.
  • BWU1415
    BWU1415 | AS-i Analyser InnovationStep 2
    Complementation of local AS-i Master diagnostic
  • BW1191
    BW1191 | AS-i Address Programming Device
    With plug-in recharger 230 V
  • BW1646
    BW1646 | AS-i Address Programming Device
    With plug-in recharger 115 V (Version North America)
  • BW1802
    BW1802 | Accessories for AS-i Address Programming Device
    Connecting cable (Module/programming device)
  • BW2324
    BW2324 | AS-i addressing cable with COMBICON connector
  • BW3304
    BW3304 | AS-i addressing cable with M12 connector
    Connecting cable for handheld AS-i address programming devices for the adressing of active distributors
    The scoop of delivery includes 2 x module substructures 60 mm x 45 mm.
  • BW3305
    BW3305 | AS-i addressing cable with COMBICON connector

    Connecting cable for AS-i Master/Gateways for the adressing of active distributors
    The scoop of delivery includes 2 x module substructures 60 mm x 45 mm.
  • BW1745

Passive Distributor

Passive Distributors AS-i, IP67

Fig­ureTypeHous­ingPro­tec­tion rat­ing 1Flat de­sign, in­stal­la­tion in cable duct pos­si­bleIn­ter­nal fuse 2LED sta­tus dis­play 3Pro­file cable con­nec­tionCon­nec­tion 4Round cable 5Ar­ti­cle No.
BW3087Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 35 mmIP67no4 A, changeableyes1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX2 x M12 sockets, 5 polesnoBW3087
Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 35 mmIP67no1 A, self-resettingyes1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX2 x M12 sockets, 5 polesnoBW3117
Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 35 mmIP67nonoyes1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX2 x M12 sockets, 5 polesnoBW3184
BW3276Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 19 mmIP67yes8 A, slow-blow fuse + 1 A, self-resettingyes1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX1 x M8 cable socket, straight, 5 poles + 1 x M8 cable socket, straight, 4 poles0,20 mBW3276
BW3246Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 19 mmIP67yes1 A, self-resettingyes1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX1 x M12 cable socket, angled, 5 poles2 mBW3246
Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX1 x M12 cable socket, angled, 5 poles2 mBW3183
Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX1 x round cable/connecting wires5 mBW3315
Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX1 x round cable/connecting wires2 mBW3314
Passive distributor AS-idepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono2 x AS-i1 x M12 cable socket, angled, 5 poles2 mBW3185
Passive distributor AS-idepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono2 x AS-i1 x M12 cable socket, straight, 5 poles2 mBW3247
Passive distributor AS-idepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono2 x AS-i1 x round cable/connecting wires0,25 mBW3186
BW3157Passive distributor AS-idepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono2 x AS-iprofile cable branchnoBW3157
BW1239Passive distributor AS-idepth: 30 mmIP67nonono1 x AS-i1 x M12 socket, 5 polesnoBW1239
BW1976Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 40 mmIP67nonono1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX1 x M12 socket, 5 polesnoBW1976
Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono1 x AS-i, 1 x AUX1 x M12 cable socket, angled, 5 poles2 mBW1974
Passive distributor AS-idepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono1 x AS-i1 x M12 cable socket, angled, 5 poles2 mBW1977
Passive distributor AS-idepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono2 x AS-iprofile cable branchnoBW1975
BWU2820Passive distributor AS-i/AUXdepth: 42 mmIP67nonoyes2 x AS-i, 2 x AUX5 x M12 sockets, 5 polesnoBWU2820

Passive Distributor AUX, 16 A/20 A, IP67

  • 16 A with 1,5 mm² wire section
  • 20 A with 2,5 mm² wire section
Fig­ureTypeHous­ingPro­tec­tion rat­ing1Flat de­sign, in­stal­la­tion in cable duct pos­si­bleIn­ter­nal fuse2LED sta­tus dis­play3Pro­file cable con­nec­tionCon­nec­tion 4Round cable5Ar­ti­cle No.
BW3307Passive distributor AUXdepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono2 x AUX, 16 A/20 A2 x round cables/connecting wires 2,5 mm²2 mBW3307
BW3306Passive distributor AUXdepth: 19 mmIP67yesnono2 x AUX, 16 A/20 Aprofile cable branchnoBW3306

Active Distributors AS-i, IP67

Fig­ureTypeHous­ingPro­tec­tion rat­ing 1Flat de­sign, in­stal­la­tion in cable duct pos­si­bleIn­puts Safety, SIL 3, Cat. 4In­puts dig­i­tal, EDM 6Out­puts dig­i­talSafety sig­nal in­putsInput volt­age (sen­sor sup­ply) 7Out­put volt­age (ac­tu­a­tor sup­ply)8LED sta­tus dis­play 3AS-i con­nec­tion 9Con­nec­tion 4M12 wiring10Round cable 5AS-i ad­dress11Ar­ti­cle No.
BW3249Active distributor AS-i, Safetydepth: 19 mmIP67yes1 x 2 channels-1 x electronicfloating contactsout of AS-iout of AS-iyesAS-i profile cable2 x round cables/connecting wires-1 m1 Single SlaveBW3249
BW3248Active distributor AS-i, Safetydepth: 19 mmIP67yes1 x 2 channels-1 x electronicfloating contactsout of AS-iout of AS-iyesAS-i profile cable1 x round cable/connecting wires-1 m1 Single SlaveBW3248
Active distributor AS-i, Safetydepth: 19 mmIP67yes1 x 2 channels-1 x electronicoptoelectronic protective devicesout of AUXout of AUXyesAS-i profile cable1 x M12 cable socket, angled, 5 poles-1 m1 Single SlaveBW3299
BW3250Active distributor AS-idepth: 19 mmIP67yes-21 x electronic-out of AUXout of AUXyesAS-i profile cable2 x M12 cable sockets, angled, 5 poles1 x Y + 1 x Mixed1 m1 AB SlaveBW3250

Cabling/Chip Cards

Cabling/Protection caps

Adapter and connecting cable for Speed Monitors

Connector cable for Motor Modules

Chip Cards

Substructure Modules

Substructure Modules for IP67 modules

Substructure Modules for IP65


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